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Appraiser Login

For current appraisers please use "Appraiser Sign In" to log in, to review and upload orders.  For current, potential, and new appraisers with questions or in need of information about Ascend Appraisal Solutions Group, LLC, please fill out the form below, or feel free to contact us via phone 303.952.1681, email at The "Appraiser Sign In" button will also take you to the page to register as a potential appraiser. We look forward to partnering with you. Thank you. 


***Please note as of 5/1/2018 Ascend Appraisal Solutions Group, LLC will be changing its primary appraisal management platform from Mercury Network to Valuelink.  To "Log In," use the following:


For current appraisers please use "Appraiser Sign In" to log in, to review and upload orders.  Should you have any questions feel free to contact us via phone 303.952.1681, email at, Thank you. 

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